The United States District Court
District of Colorado

Hon. Philip A. Brimmer, Chief Judge
Jeffrey P. Colwell Esq., Clerk of Court

Our mission is to serve the public by providing a fair and impartial forum that ensures equal access to justice in accordance with the rule of law, protects rights and liberties of all persons, and resolves cases in a timely and efficient manner.

Grand Jury Information

A grand jury is presented with evidence from the U.S. attorney, the prosecutor in federal criminal cases. The grand jury determines whether there is “probable cause” to believe the individual has committed a crime and should be put on trial. If the grand jury determines there is enough evidence, an indictment will be issued against the defendant.

Grand juries are comprised of twenty-three members, plus alternates. A quorum of sixteen members is required to conduct business. Twelve members must vote for a “true bill” before an indictment can be issued. All grand jury proceedings are conducted in secret.

Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors