The United States District Court
District of Colorado

Hon. Philip A. Brimmer, Chief Judge
Jeffrey P. Colwell Esq., Clerk of Court

Our mission is to serve the public by providing a fair and impartial forum that ensures equal access to justice in accordance with the rule of law, protects rights and liberties of all persons, and resolves cases in a timely and efficient manner.

Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER)

Accessing PACER:
Internet access is available at or at the PACER website

Notice to Public Access Terminal Users during the COVID-19 Pandemic: If you need assistance with accessing court documents and are not able, or cannot afford, to use, please complete the below PACER Fee Exemption Request form and submit to or contact the Clerk's Office at 303-844-3433 for further assistance.

PACER Fee Exemption Request Form

You can search for a case by participant name, filing date, or case number. Once you find the case you want, you can have the case and docket information transmitted to you, ready to save on your computer or print on your printer.
Query Instructions
Report Instructions

What you need:

  1. Internet access.
  2. Personal computer equipped with Internet Browser software (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer).
  3. An Internet Service Provider.
  4. Printer (optional).

PACER registration, information regarding fees, and FAQs: